

You can install python-geosupport using pip:

$ pip install python-geosupport

Or clone this repository, cd into it and:

$ python install

Geosupport Desktop Edition

python-geosupport requires a local installation of Geosupport Desktop Edition (19b):

Geosupport Desktop is not available for Mac but it can be used through a containerized environment like Docker. See the Related Projects section for more information.


Important: Ensure you select the correct Geosupport installation that corresponds to the Python interpreter you are using. Ex., Python 32-bit will only work with Geosupport 32-bit.

You can determine if you are running a 32-bit or 64-bit python interpreter by opening the command prompt or powershell and typing python. You should see something like this:


Environmental Variables

By default, a clean installation of Geosupport Desktop Edition will set the appropriate environmental variables. If you are experiencing issues setting up your environment, you will want to ensure the following environmental variables are set.

  • GEOFILES: Path to the fls directory of Geosupport. Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Geosupport Desktop Edition\fls\

  • PATH: Add the bin directory of Geosupport to the path variable. Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Geosupport Desktop Edition\bin

Alternatively see the Configuration section for other (easier) options on specifying a path to the Geosupport directory.


Extract the .zip to a folder of your choice and set the GEOFILES and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variables of the fls and lib directories:

export GEOFILES=/var/geosupport/version-19b/fls/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/var/geosupport/version-19b/lib/